Abraham Chavez Theatre

1 Civic Center Plaza, El Paso, TX 79901

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fri07mar8:00 pm8:00 pm(GMT-07:00) La Arrolladora Banda El Limon at Abraham Chavez TheatreFeel the Rhythm: A Night of Banda Bliss! 🔥

sun09mar8:00 pm8:00 pm(GMT-06:00) Alejandra Guzmán - Brilla Tourgreat music! 🔥

sat15mar7:00 pm7:00 pm(GMT-06:00) Anjelah Johnson-Reyes: The Family Reunion Tourcome and have a good time! 🔥

fri28mar6:00 pm6:00 pm(GMT-06:00) Blippi at Abraham Chavez Theatrejoin the band tour! 🔥